Procedure Manual Introduction

Video Introduction to the Manual

  • This manual is intended as a resource for all district employees. It is particularly useful for staff and contractors who

    • Are involved with contracting, purchasing, or monitoring equipment
    • Travel on behalf of the district
    • Manage or handle district funds or grants  

    These procedures and instructions outline the process or required steps for routine operations in accordance with SPPS policies and procedures, which have been designed to comply with Code of Federal Regulations part 200 (Uniform Grant Guidance), Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), and any other applicable laws or regulations.

    This manual is available here online and in an interactive and printable PDF format.

    Darker blue hyperlinks refer to definitions in the glossary.

    If you are using a downloaded or printed version of the manual, you will need to periodically download a revised version to ensure it is current.  The publication date will show up in the footer of every page.  Any changes that have been made to the manual that are not yet present in the downloadable copy can be identified in the Change Log.

Downloading and Using the PDF Edition of the Manual

This manual includes several types of pages:

    1. Quick Guide – assists in distinguishing between and selecting the correct procedure
    2. Checklist – checklists to aid in completing a process, hyperlinks to reference complete procedures
    3. Procedure – these are all formatted the same and include hyperlinks as appropriate
      1. Name of procedure
      2. Timeframe – appears on procedures where this is relevant
      3. Who completes the procedure
      4. Introduction to the procedure
      5. Criteria for using the procedure – when does it get used
      6. Steps for completing the procedure
      7. Documentation required –  documentation needed and mentioned in the steps
      8. Why this is important – SPPS rationale for the process and any regulations
      9. Related topics – for convenience and ease in navigation
    4. Informational – these are all formatted the same and highlight key information; in some cases, these replace a discontinued procedure
      1. Details – provides definitions and background for more complex topics
      2. Why this is important – SPPS rationale for the process and any regulations
      3. Related topics – for convenience and ease in navigation
    5. Best Practices/Recommendations – these provide more full detail and background than the procedure pages and are intended as a resource for grant managers
    6. Standard Work – lists tasks associated with a position or job assignment, with links to procedures

How to Navigate the Online Manual

Where to Find Things

Updates and Feedback

  • To request updates, changes, or additional content in the manual, please complete this short form.  This includes minor changes in language or a change in a listed software to the addition of procedures, checklists, or quick guides not curently included.

    If there are concerns or questions regarding the accuracy of a procedure please contact Shareen Mann, providing as much information as possible.  

Last Modified on December 14, 2021