SPPS and the Community

  • Our community plays an important role in our schools. We appreciate the support Saint Paul provides to schools, and we are proud of the services we provide to community members. Below are a few key ways you can become more involved in Saint Paul Public Schools.

    Community Education
    Each year, more than 250,000 people enrich their lives through our Community Education programs and activities.

    The Office of Family Engagement and Community Partnerships (OFECP)
    Staff from OFECP work hard to support families, schools, programs and community partners to create a more welcoming and respectful environment to increase family involvement in their children's education.

    Volunteer or Get Involved
    From volunteering to serving on a committee, there are many ways that community members can help students succeed.

    Donate & Support SPPS
    Many of our programs are only possible through outside funding from foundations and supporters like you. Donations are tax-deductible.

    District and School Achievement Data
    View student, school and district achievement data.

    Alumni Information
    Class reunion and other alumni information is available for viewing.