Melissa Ehlers, Principal

1505 E. Hoyt Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55106

651-293-8930 | Get Directions

Principal/School Name

360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102

651-767-8100 | Get Directions

Welcome! Zoo Siab Tos Txais! Beinvenido! Soo Dhaweyn!

  • Today's children are being prepared for jobs and careers that don't exist yet. We know that to collaborate effectively, they will need skills in communications, flexibility, creativity, and an ability to seek and understand new information. Every student at Frost Lake receives personalized instruction from co-teachers who work together to meet the needs of each child. Our students use iPads and other technology tools to engage and motivate their learning.  We also offer science, active inquiry, music, computer science and physical education. More

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Create, Connect and Communicate

iPads: Voice & Choice

Students 2
  • Teachers redefine student learning experiences by creating opportunities for students to have a voice in choosing what and how they learn. Having iPads in each student’s hands enables them to access far more resources than a traditional school library or curriculum would. iPads allow teachers to tailor standards to the interests and passions of each student. Often these choices include aspects of racial and cultural identities, such as research about home countries, or cultural traditions and folk stories.

Frost Bee
  • Frost Lake focuses our work around our vision of maximizing educational achievement through racial equity and personalized learning. Through ongoing partnerships with community, allocation of building resources and staff, purposeful planning and access to previous professional development for new staff, Frost Lake works to ensure that the racial equity and technology work continues to grow and deepen as the years progress.


School Profile

Melissa Ehlers


  • Melissa Ehlers has served as assistant principal at Frost Lake the past two years. She’s also worked at other SPPS schools including Mississippi Creative Arts and Cherokee Heights. She brings a wealth of experience in helping all students feel represented and accepted for who they are. Ms. Ehlers is looking forward to continuing her partnership with you and building upon the relationships she has established at Frost Lake over the last couple of years.

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