Timothy Williams, Principal

348 Hamline Ave. S, Saint Paul, MN 55105

651-293-8780 | Get Directions

Principal/School Name

360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102

651-767-8100 | Get Directions

  • Our neighborhood school has strong ties to the community for more than 100 years, and is made even stronger by dedicated parents and families. Volunteers help with programs like our book club for students in grades K-2. Our active families build community pride, support field trips and help with other learning activities. In our accredited Core Knowledge school, students develop impressive skills in social studies, science, literature, mathematics and the arts. Students are inspired through technology, visual arts, music, physical education, and talent development and accelerated learning. We are especially proud of our library, which annually circulates more than 40,000 books from an updated collection.

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  • School application deadline extension graphic

Learning from the past, preparing for the future.

  • A Community of STARS!

    Randolph Heights is proud to foster a positive and caring community which encourages students to be STARS (Safe, Thoughtful, Active, Responsible, and Successful) through Positive Behavioral Inventions and Supports (PBIS). These efforts were recognized by the Minnesota Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports State Leadership Team, naming Randolph Heights as a 2019 Sustained Exemplar PBIS School.

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    Randolph Heights has been recognized as an official Core Knowledge School since 2006. Core Knowledge provides a comprehensive, content rich curriculum that builds a foundation for later learning.

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School Profile

Timothy Williams

    Mr. Williams has worked for Saint Paul Public Schools for 21 years and brings a wealth of experience in helping our youngest students succeed.

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    Randolph Heights Elementary
    348 South Hamline Ave
    Saint Paul, MN 55105
    Phone: (651) 293-8780
    eFax: 1-651-293-8986 (must dial 1 first , even if local)
    Attendance Line: (651) 744-2003
    Hours: 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

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MySPPS Bus Status

  • LINK: About MySPPS Bus

    Randolph Heights PTA

    • Randolph Heights Parent Teacher Association Click on the logo to visit the new RHS PTA website!