
Mount Rushmore comes to life!
  • Welcome to Kindergarten with Ms. Clayton-King, Mrs. Dochniak & Ms. Nelson. Collectively, we have 60+ years in education. Beyond being knowledgeable about early literacy, math skills and the developmental milestones of 5 and 6 year olds, we have expertise in tying shoes, keeping track of lost teeth and honoring a birthday almost weekly.

    Randolph Heights All-Day Kindergarten...

    Children grow socially and personally through community building activities and play times. This learning is coupled with rigorous academics in the curricular areas of Math, Reading, Writing, World History and Geography. Specialist teachers work in partnership with us to round out our curriculum in Art, Physical Education and Science and Technology.

    Memories begin in Kindergarten with field trips to the Apple Orchard, Gibbs History Farm, The Firefighters Hall & Museum & the Zoo. Annual Kindergarten favorites include the Cinderella Ball and a Valentine Program. Please view the Special Event and Field Trip link, on the right-hand side of this page to learn more about the FUN things your children will do this year.


Kindergarten Handbook

  • Kindergarten Handbook

    Link: Kindergarten Handbook