Ms Salovich



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Myrianthi

Yiasas! I began my teaching career in 1992. I love working with Multilingual Learners. They bring such a richness of culture and language to our schools and community. It is a joy to watch our students' English flourish.

I was born on the beautiful island of Cyprus and came to the United States to attend the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities where I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a Master's degree in Education with an emphasis in Second Languages and Cultures.

I live in the Macalester Groveland area in St. Paul with my husband Bruce, our two cats, Tiger and Meli and a cocktiel named Sydney. My amazing daughter, Nikita is a graduate student at Northwestern University in Chicago and is working towards her Ph.D in Cognitive Psychology. When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time outside, travelling, reading, and riding my bike.