The Second Grade Team - Mr. Kellar-Long, Ms. Weninger, Mr. Keith

Mr. Keller-Long, Ms. Weninger, Mr. Keith
  • As a second grade team we work and plan together.  Each of us gets to know all of our second graders.  We are a close knit community of learners.  We begin each day with a morning meeting that centers around community building.  We reach out actively to engage our families in their children's second grade experience through volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning field trips and working on special classroom projects and events.  A strong relationship is created between school and families.  From the very first day of school we work with students and parents to create a truly unique learning experience for children. 

    In second grade our students gather in the spirit of our Founding Fathers to write our Class Constitutions. We go back in time to ride the Underground Railroad, experience immigration, relive our great American history.  We travel to many distant lands to learn about ancient and current cultures. Step into our classroom and you may find yourself walking along the Great Wall of China, swimming in  the sacred Ganges River, or stepping onto Ellis Island.  We bring the world into our classroom.  Tap your toes and clap your hands as we journey through our Westward Bound musical.  This cross-curricular activity connects music, drama and history.  Students watch and learn as history comes alive during field trips to local theaters.  

    Unearth the possibilities in second grade. Our students also have the opportunity for personalized learning in our reading and writing workshops. In the fall we read with volunteers in our weekly Book Club.  Students read books that fit their interest and reading level through the Accelerated Reading program.  As authors, our students learn to write a variety of genres and publish unique written pieces each year.  In addition our ST, TQE, IXL and Khan Academy math curricula meets children at all learning levels. Together our children and families will remember second grade as a special, unforgettable year of learning and fun.

    Ian Keith, Lacey Weninger, and Nathan Kellar-Long,  Second Grade Teachers