Welcome to Library Services

Our Mission

  • Saint Paul Public Schools Library Services empowers students and staff to become enthusiastic readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. To accomplish this, we:

    • Provide resource-rich library environments that encourage curiosity and learning.
    • Curate collections of a rich mix of resources that align with curriculum and student interests.
    • Collaborate with teachers in instructional planning to support personalized learning.
    • Offer engaging programs to connect students and staff with authors, partner organizations, and enrichment opportunities.

    Library Services supports the SPPS Achieves Strategic Plan. Library Media Specialists are crucial school staff members in providing a well rounded education and preparing students for informed living in an information-rich society. Under the leadership of a library media specialist, the school library provides students access to resources and technology, connecting classroom learning to real-world events. By providing access to an array of well-managed resources, school libraries enable academic knowledge to be linked to deeper, personalized learning. The expanded learning environment of the school library ensures the unique interests and needs of individual students are met. In this way, effective school library programs prepare students for college, career, and community.

  • Who needs a librarian when you have Google? Well, who needs a doctor when you have WebMD? The Daring Librarian

    School Libraries Work! Report

    Scholastic has compiled research from over 30 separate studies demonstrating the integral role librarians play in teaching and supporting student learning. They found that when school librarians are cut, student achievement suffers. View the full report at http://tiny.cc/SPPS_SLW


    Digital Citizenship and 1:1 Support

    Libraries don’t just mean print books. Digital resources are essential in a 1:1 iPad environment, and librarians play a crucial role. They curate digital content, support instruction, teach digital citizenship, and educate students about issues such as online safety, privacy, and behavior. Librarians can also act as an in-house technology specialists, assisting students with device questions or issues.

What is a School Librarian?

  • A Licensed School Librarian has a Master’s Degree as well as a state-issued media specialist teaching license. The purpose of a librarian in the school is to work directly with students and staff. A licensed teacher librarian:

    • Provides access to reliable, relevant, age-appropriate resources
    • Collaborates with teachers to support instruction and teach information skills
    • Works directly with students to provide support 
    • Encourages a love of literacy and reading

    Student Standards
    Just as all content areas have standards, librarians have information and technology literacy standards to meet for all grade levels. The American Association of School Librarians published new standards in 2019. The standards may be viewed at: https://standards.aasl.org


    A fully staffed library program includes a full-time licensed librarian and a paraprofessional. The support staff handles all circulation and clerical duties, while the librarian teaches classes, collaborates with teachers, and provides direct instruction and support to students.

    Edina, Osseo, Minnetonka, and Hopkins Public Schools all use this service model. Anoka-Hennepin also has licensed librarians in almost all buildings.

    By comparison, SPPS has licensed librarians in 21 out of 57 sites, or 37% of buildings
  • A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessities of life. -Henry Ward Beecher
    Student reading a book in the library
  • Print vs. Digital: the majority of children still prefer print books.

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one." -Neil Gaiman

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