8th Grade Global Studies

Earth in hand
  • 8th Grade Global Studies

    In 8th grade Global Studies, students will study the world and the people in it. This class takes a regional approach to understanding the world and how people interact with their environments. Students will use the concepts that they used in 7th grade American Studies to help them further analyze information about the world and the people that live in it. The units that students will study in 8th grade Global studies are: Geographic Skills, Globalization, United States and Canada, Latin America, Europe and Russia, The Arab World and the Middle East, Africa South of the Sahara, Australia and Oceania, East and Southeast Asia, and South and Central Asia.

    Students will also have an opportunity to participate in Model United Nations. This project will have students complete a research project on a country and represent the opinions of that country at an organized meet organized by Model United Nations Organization.

    8th grade Global Studies is a required course.