St. Anthony Park Elementary: FAQ

  • 1. How many students is the renovation at St. Anthony Park Elementary being designed for?

    The redesigned St. Anthony Park Elementary School will serve four sections of kindergarten, which will be the maximum number of kindergarten sections the school will have. Class size capacity ultimately dictates student enrollment.

    A reasonable projected enrollment for St. Anthony Park as a four-section kindergarten school would be between 640-660 students as outlined below. Note that the number of sections for grades 1-5 may fluctuate over time based on enrollment trends and program demand; however, the maximum, optimal total enrollment at St. Anthony Park will remain at 660 based on the facility’s capacity.

    Kindergarten:  4 sections X 26 student maximum* = 104

    Grades 1-3: 4 sections X 3 grades X 27 student maximum* = 324

    Grades 4-5: 2 sections X 2 grades X 29 student maximum* = 232       

    TOTAL student maximum enrollment with building renovations = 660 Students

    *The maximum school enrollment numbers listed are determined by the district’s current teacher contract. While there is a maximum class size capacity, schools must accommodate fluctuations in enrollment, to a reasonable extent, that occur during the school year due to student mobility and other student enrollment factors.

    2: Will support spaces be updated to accommodate that increased student enrollment?

    To ensure the building will adequately meet the needs of an increased student population, as needed, St. Anthony Park renovations will include updating core learning spaces and well as critical support spaces such as the cafeteria, library, gymnasium, bathrooms, student gathering space and space for specialists.

Facilities Planning Team Department