Health and Physical Education Resources

  • There are several on-line sites available that offer lesson plans and ideas for integrating health with classroom academic areas.

    • Health Powered Kids is an Allina Health resourceweb site that consists of 50 lessons on such topics as nutrition, physical fitness, and mind-body balance. You must register with the site but the material is free.  Lessons are targeted at 3-14 year olds.


    • is a free data-base of health and PE lesson plans for grades K-12.


    • KidsHealth is a website sponsored through Nemours that offers a safe, private place to get information about health, growth and emotions. Free K-12 lesson plans on: physical health, emotional health, mental health, relationships and reproductive health.


    • Teaching Tolerance is a website sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law center, that offers educators a forum for accessing news, support and tools that honor diversity and respect for differences in the school setting.


    • Change to Chill is also from Allina Health and is targeted to secondary students. The web site offers videos, tools and other resources to help teens learn to manage stress through mindfulness, meditation, guided imagery and other exercises. Includes a section geared to high school athletes.