MoveMindfully Resources

  • well fair 2016


    Yoga-based movement and breathing exercises can help energize students, while assisting in creating a ready-to-learn classroom environment. Read here for how MoveMindfully exercises work on the body and mind.

    While schools are closed for COVID-19 mitigation, 1000 Petals will be broadcasting a daily yoga/mindfulness routine on Facebook at 4:00 for families and students. To view, search for 1000-Petals on Facebook.

    Here are a few examples of MoveMindfully exercises you can incorporate into your classroom:

     -videos provided by 1000-Petals

    You can also subscribe to 1000-Petals' YouTube channel.

     1000-Petals also has a number of scripted flows, posters and other assorted resources available:

    • Chair routine and script - provides a seated flow sequence and mindful gratitude practice
    • 'From Tired to Awake' sequence - available through 1000-Petals' blog. Designed to reinvigorate the body when it starts to fall into that sleepy lull


    Here are several other yoga and mindfulness resources:

    • There are several YouTube channels for children. Yoga Ed. is designed for educators and integrates yoga into academic settings. Alo Yoga has online yoga routines for children and for adults.
    • Minneapolis Public Schools has put together a Walking and Biking Field Trip Guide that contains a section on Mindful Walking (see Section 4, pages 31-34).
    • The Yoga Journal offers a series of videos with flow sequences.