Toolbox for Indoor Recess

  • indoor recess


    Inclement weather or extreme cold temperatures don't have to put the kabosh on physical activity during recess!  Although it can be tempting to want to keep students quiet and calm while inside, allowing children the opportunity to get up and get their fidgets out can pay dividends with classroom work later on. Classrooms and hallways can quickly transform into dance floors and fitness trails.  Equipment, such as bean bag boards and jump ropes, can be collected and organized into Recess-on-Wheels kits.  Or instead of watching a movie that leaves kids sitting and static, substitute a fun Zumba or fitness video.  


    Indoor Recess Resources

    • This active recess PDF from Olmsted County Public Health offers recess guidelines and resources, and the last 2 pages include an equipment list for an indoor recess kit, as well as a price and vendor list 
    • Playworks has an online game library, that offers suggestions for games that can be played in classrooms, hallways, and gyms
    • The web site,, offers a list of 17 indoor recess games, ranging from Balloon games to Charades.