Collaborative Work

  • Because each mentee has different needs, mentoring work will take on a variety of forms based upon the individualized needs of the mentee.

    Collaborative work may be completed in-person and/or via electronic means:

    • At least 20 hours outside of the school contract day must be completed for mentoring activities for a full-year mentorship.
    • At least 10 hours outside of the school contract day must be completed for a half-year mentorship.

    The following are some possible, individualized collaboration activities that have been shared by past mentoring pairings and were found to be effective:

    • Mentor observes mentee with a pre and post-observation conference (via video or when possible, in person).
    • Mentee observes mentor with a pre and post-observation conference (via video or when possible, in person).
    • Mentee and mentor jointly observe another effective educator and conference about observations (via video or when possible, in person).
    • Mentor and mentee analyze data together to determine next steps for professional practices.  Examples: (1) math assessments to determine flex groups, (2) organizing student formative assessments to plan next instructional steps, (3) analyze data to plan for next steps to differentiate instruction/services.
    • Record a mentee lesson: pre-conference to establish recording focus, record mentee, have mentee watch the video to collect data, and mentor and mentee meet to go over video reflection.
    • Take pictures of evidence/artifacts of best practices around your site (student work, task boards, standards, student-created rubrics, etc.) and plan with mentee about how to implement.
    • Provide support for recordkeeping protocols, documentation, and management systems.
    • Review due process expectations.
    • Review student work/artifacts and collaboratively plan for instruction and/or service next steps.
    • Spend time on organizing space and/or materials and analyzing workflow for productivity and learner impact.
    • Mentor and mentee collaborate to create an equitable system of communication for all families; develop plans for family and community involvements.
    • Unpack a lesson/service plan for culturally relevant practices and educational equity. 



    What Is Collaboration? Definition