Parent's Right to Know Requirements


    At the beginning of each school year, school districts must notify parents of children attending Title I schools that they can request information regarding their children's teachers. In addition, if students are taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified the parents of students in Title I schools must be notified, in a timely manner, if their child has been assigned to, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified


    1. Notification of Parents Right to Know Each School Year: School districts must notify parents of children attending Title I schools that they can request information regarding their children's teachers, including, at a minimum, information on (1) completion of state requirements for licensure and certification; (2) emergency or other provisional status; (3) educational background; and (4) whether paraprofessionals are serving the child and, if so, the paraprofessionals' qualifications. The law states that school districts must "notify the parents of each student" attending a Title I school of the parents' right to request such information.
    2. Notification to Parents When Students are Taught by a Teacher Who is Not Highly Qualified:Parents of students in Title I schools must be notified, in a timely manner, if their child has been assigned to, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified [Section 1111(h)(6)]. Saint Paul Procedures to meet this requirement. Below are samples of model letters you can use when a teacher is on a variance, waiver, etc.
    Filing Cabinet Parent's Right to Know   --  All languages included. Communicate to parents at least once every school year.
    Filing Cabinet HQ NOTICE - ENGLISH   --  Notify "parents" that teacher is not "highly qualified" in subject, grade, or area he/she is teaching. Example: Teacher is on Variance
    Filing Cabinet HQ NOTICE - KAREN   --  Require's special font. Contact Communication's Office for Assistance.

    Filing Cabinet HQ NOTICE - SPANISH