
Theatre Program Focus

  • In Saint Paul Public Schools, students approach theatre as an area of study that is rooted in the human need to play, imitate, imagine, create, and share ideas and feelings. As a social art form, theatre explores the human condition and the human experience. Theatre requires students to draw on life and artistic experiences and knowledge as a means of understanding both themselves and the world around them. Students learn about the history, cultural, social and personal contexts of theatre and they learn to create, perform and respond to theatre artworks. Theatre skills include the abilities associated with the technical, perceptual, and expressive processes of theatre. Students learn about creating text, acting, staging, designing, and articulating responses to theatre.

    Students in Saint Paul Public Schools have opportunities in:

    • Elementary K-5 classroom theatre is taught by general education teachers and is infused into other subject areas. In arts-focused schools, theatre is instructed by specialists.
    • Secondary theatre courses include Acting Explorations, Arts Literacy Explorations, Theatre Production, Improvisation, Sketch Comedy Writing, Technical Theatre and advanced Theatre courses such as Theatre IB and opportunities to join Theatre clubs and perform in Musical Theatre.
    • Teaching Artists also provide residencies at some schools and students attend performances locally at organizations such as Ordway, Stepping Stone Theatre, Pangea Theatre and have opportunities to act in local productions, for example in Young Audiences Initiative performances.

Saint Paul Public Schools Theatre Education Supporters

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