Performance Management

  • Performance Management plays an important role in empowering employees and providing direction to help the employee learn and grow in their professional development.

    Performance Management is the process by which supervisors involve their employees in planning, monitoring, developing and rating their individual performance. This process helps to improve effectiveness in the accomplishment of the District mission and goals.

    Performance Management includes:

    • Planning Work and Setting Expectations
    • Monitoring Work Performance
    • Developing Standards
    • Rating Employee Performance

    Planning work means, setting performance expectations and goals for individuals, as well as, directing their efforts toward achieving district goals and objectives. It is important to:

    • Understand the goals
    • What needs to be done to achieve the goals
    • Why it needs to be done
    • How well it should be done

    Monitoring Work Performance
    Constantly measuring performance and providing feedback to employees regarding their progress helps them to achieve their goals.

    Developing Standards
    Developing individual performance can be achieved through training, introducing new assignments that introduce new skills, assigning higher levels of responsibility, improving work processes, or other methods. These opportunities promote good performance, strengthen job skills and competencies, and give the employee a sense of worth that they are helping the district achieve its goals.

    Rating Employee Performance
    A Performance appraisal rating means evaluating an employee’s performance against the standards set in the planning stage and completing a summary evaluation as to how well the standards have been met.

    Bringing Saint Paul Public Schools closer to achieving our mission of “Providing a Premiere Education for All”.

Last Modified on September 11, 2023