Guidelines for Submission

  • Your submission should:

    • Provide quick, key points in less than 200 words.
    • Provide links to additional information or documents if needed.
    • Limit attachments and use links to Google Docs when possible.
    • Apply directly to principals/school leaders (other staff information should be submitted to The Bridge).


    Be sure to address three key questions:

    • Who am I writing for? (Audience)
    • Why should they care? (Benefit)
    • What do I want them to do? (Call-to-Action)


    PLEASE NOTE: Submissions that do not meet the Thursday deadline will be delayed until the next edition of the Playbook. Submissions that do not meet the guidelines listed above will be rejected.


    Follow the Guidelines for Submission when submitting to the Principal Playbook.

    Please note, Principal's Playbook is suspended during Winter Break and during the month of July. If departments have important information to share with principals during either of those times, please email them directly.