SPPS District Family Engagement Plan

  • There is no program and no policy that can substitute for a parent who is involved in their child’s education from day one. — President Barack Obama

    ESEA reauthorization provides the opportunity to promote the importance of strengthening and supporting family and community engagement by:

    • Supporting comprehensive district and school approaches to family engagement.
    • Enhancing district and school capacity around family engagement.
    • Identifying and supporting best practices.

    PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT means the systemic inclusion of parents and families as partners with district and school staff in their child's education in a manner that

    • promotes shared responsibility for student learning;
    • is responsive to student, parent, and family needs; and
    • reinforces that learning begins at birth and takes place in the home, school, and community.

    Each District and School Receiving Title I Funds develops a family engagement plan with participation of parents, school leaders, teachers, and other stakeholders.


    SPPS District Family Engagement Plan