ECSE Awarded Three Grants

  • The Birth to Three Program in SPPS was awarded three new grant funded initiatives:


    Birth to Three and the SRCL Literacy Grant:  SPPS was awarded a Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Grant funding literacy coaches at all age bands from Birth to 12th grade for two years. The ECSE Birth to Three literacy coach supports educators in using evidence based practices as they coach and collaborate with families to promote intentional language and literacy routines for infants and toddlers.


    Birth to Three City of St. Paul AmeriCorps Vista:  Through Mayor Melvin Carter’s advocacy, St. Paul is sponsoring 13 Vista positions focused on the 0-3 population in our city and their families.  In SPPS, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) and Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Programs each have a Vista working to improving outreach and communication about all of the current resources available to children and families as well as building collaboration across agencies in St. Paul.  


    Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI):  SPPS is part of a statewide 5 year innovation providing intensive professional development and peer coaching to ensure all staff have the knowledge and skills to implement this evidence based practice in early intervention.  Practitioners learn to effectively coach and collaborate with families to provide interventions within the routines of their day, based on the family priorities for their child.