• Overview of Kindergatten ACCESS for ELLs

    Like ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to Kindergarteners who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English. Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs is only available to Consortium member states.

    Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs is alinged with the WIDA ELD Standards and it assess the four langauge domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. This assessment meets, and exceeds, federal requirements for the monitoring and reporting of ELLs' progress toward English language proficiency.

    For additiontional information about the Kindergarten Access for ELLs assessment visit the WIDA Website

  • Purpose and Use 

    • Understand students’ current level of English language proficiency along the developmental continuum.
    • Multiple measure used to determine whether students are prepared to exit English language support programs.
    • Information that assists in determining whether ELLs have attained the language proficiency needed to participate meaningfully in content area classrooms without program support.
    • Provides teachers with information to use in instruction and learning in programs
    • Provides districts with information to evaluate the effectiveness of their ESL/bilingual programs.

  • Features:

    Test items are written from WIDA's five English Language Development (ELD) standards:

    • Social & Instructional Language
    • Language of Language Arts
    • Language of Mathematics
    • Language of Science
    • Language of Social Studies

  • Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs scores can be used to:

    • Monitor student progress on an annual basis
    • Establish when ELLs have attained English language proficiency according to state criteria
    • Inform classroom instruction and assessment
    • Aid in programmatic decision-making