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Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum training scheduled for May 17

SPPS is hosting a Walk! Bike! Fun! training on May 17, taught by staff from BikeMN! The training will be held from 9:00-3:00 at 360 Colborne. The training itself is free, and BikeMN will provide a stipend to cover the cost of a substitute teacher. 
By taking this training, you will:
The training has two parts, and you will need to register for both:
  1. Part 1 - Asynchronous, online training:  Part one is a 2 to 3 hour online, self-paced training and contains learning about Safe Routes to School, Equity and Justice, overview of the curriculum and a deep dive into rules of the road.  There are videos, quizzes, discussion questions and time for reflection. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS PRIOR TO MAY 17. Register here:
  2. Part 2 - In-person training, May 17, 9:00-3:00: Part two is an in-person, on-bike training where teachers and educators teach and practice activities from the curriculum. Register here:
Questions? Contact Sarah Stewart at