Professional Development and Resources

  • Hmong:  Hmong Language and Literacy for SPPS Staff

    Hmong Language and Literacy classes are offered for staff and parents of SPPS. During the 2009-2010 school year, there will be two types of classes offered.  Both classes will aim to develop more language knowledge in Hmong and build Hmong literacy skills. The two types of classes are:
    Hmong for Non-Hmong Speakers I with a focus on language learning and basic literacy skills.  
    Hmong for Non-Hmong Speakers II with a focus on building advanced language and literacy skills. 
    Embedding Hmong Culture in the K-6 Social Studies Curriculum
    We know that multicultural education leads to greater understanding and appreciation of diversity among students and staff. In order to provide SPPS staff with information and resources about the culture of our Hmong students, the ELL department developed ‘Embedding Hmong Culture into the K-6 Social Studies Curriculum.’ While working on social studies standards with their students, elementary teachers complement the curriculum with information about Hmong culture. Lessons in the ‘Embedding Hmong Culture’ kit cover a broad range of topics, including family life, the story cloth, basic Hmong language, cultural celebrations and ceremonies, music, food, folktales, and history.
    Since ‘Embedding Hmong Culture’ was introduced in 2003, over 450 teachers from elementary schools throughout the district have been trained to implement this curriculum. In order to continue meeting the needs of all students while accommodating the time limitations of teachers, the ELL department offers training at school sites on a per-request basis.
    Somali:  Embedding Somali Culture in the K-3 and 4-6 Social Studies Curriculum
    This curriculum is intended for educators who would like to diversify and enrich the mainstream social studies curriculum by including elements of Somali culture. Mainstream teachers attend workshops where they learn about the curriculum and receive a resource material kit consisting of a variety of supplemental materials, including books in Somali and English, DVDs and CDs, a doll wearing the hijab, pictures and posters, a Somali flag, and Somali clothing.. Lesson plans cover a broad range of topics, including holidays and celebrations, Ramadan, Somali songs, folktales, nomadic life, food, customs like wearing the hijab, and basic Somali language.  The ‘Embedding Somali Culture in the 4-6 Social Studies Curriculum’ will be offered starting in 2010-2011.
    Understanding the Somali Culture and How It Impacts Your Classroom:  This presentation shares information about the culture, history, celebrations, and customs of the Somali.  Schools and Departments may also request this presentation at their own sites.