Photo Uploads

Candid Uploads

  • Having the help of students, parents, and coaches with catching those memorable moments is crucial to a successful yearbook of memories that are personalized to your student. Upload using this link.

    click here to upload candid photos

    Rules for candid images:

    • Photos with ANY TYPE of hand gestures or symbolism will NOT be accepted or published. 
      This includes, but is not limited to: peace signs, thumbs up, hang-10, waving, political/divisive posters, non-government flags, copyrighted artwork, or other actions or printed works which do not represent the integrity or spirit of RHS.
    • WTMS Yearbook reserves the right to edit, publish, and reject images that do not meet the student handbook guidelines & honor code, or spirit of the yearbook.
    • Best images are of students actively participating in an event, not just lined up and looking at the camera.
    • You should have permission from those in the image to submit and publish the image.
    • Photos should be of WTMS students only, or have them as the main focus if they are at a sporting event or with a crowd. 
      Photos including non-WashTech students or non-WashTech school activities will not be published (including those with large amounts of non-RHS student populations in the background).
    • Professional photographs cannot be used without the written permission (email accepted directly) from the photographer.
    • WTMS Yearbook reserves the right to adjust, update, and change the list of rules at any time given new information and standards.