HGRO Garden

Shannon in the garden circa 2015
  • Welcome to the Highland Park Community Garden!

    You can contact HGRO at:  hgrostpaul@outlook.com

    Our community garden started in 2001 as an urban farm/community garden/outdoor learning area. In 2004, we received a grant to re-design the garden (see plan below). We had an official garden dedication celebration and designated the garden as an international peace site. Over the years the garden has been farmed by local chefs; it's been a flower and vegetable CSA with Farm in the City; it's been a space for arts and cultural events by high school students and local artists;  it's been individual community plots; it's been a teaching garden; and, it was featured on the American Community Gardening Association's tour (www.communitygarden.org).

    Garden Design Plan  

    Garden design by Mulysa Melcro, 2004


    Garden before photo

    Garden, 2003

  • flower

    Students participate in "BEE" day with Pollinate Minnesota. Students photograph the garden for a geographical quadrat fieldwork vegetation sampling activity.