• Welcome to the Highland Park Sr High School Class of 2024!  We are excited to welcome you into the Highland family, and we look forward to sharing the next four years together.  The next step in your journey to high school is to select classes for next year.  Usually we would invite you into our building for a Registration event, but this year we thought we'd mix it up and bring that information to you virtually. We realize that you and your families are navigating a lot of change in a very short period of time, so please know that the counselors and staff at Highland are available to support you if you run into any obstacles along the way.  Follow the steps below to select and register for classes. Please complete registration by Saturday, May 2, 2020
    1. Registration Form: Click Here
      Complete this form and then move on to How to Register for Classes. Use links to resources below to help guide your course selection.
      • Registration Presentation: Click Here
        • This is a video of the presentation that counselors would usually share at Incoming Grade 9 Registration events. It includes a lot of information, such as, an introduction to Highland, an overview of graduation requirements, and information to help guide you in selecting classes. 
        • Presentation Slides: Click Here
      • HPSH Course Catalog: Click Here
        • Brief description of course offerings 

    2. How to Register in Student/ Parent Onestop: Click Here
    Step-by-step guide to registering online in Student/ Parent Onestop with link to an optional video tutorial.