ACT / SAT Information

  • Due to COVID, many four-year colleges have moved to a test-optional policy in regards to requiring the ACT or SAT (national standardized college admissions examinations) as part of the application. To learn more about a specific college or university's application requirements, counselors recommend that students and families connect with the admission department of that respective institution.

    Students often ask their school counselor what score they need to get in order to get into a particular college, it is not that simple.  ACT and SAT tests are one portion of an application that may include several other elements (essays, letters of recommendation, etc.) - they are important, but they are not the only thing colleges look at.  For more information on how these tests are used, please contact an admission representative at your prospective college.

    Registering for the ACT/SAT
    Before you register to take the ACT or SAT, first check with your prospective college(s).  Most colleges no longer have a preference between the tests, but it is always a good idea to double check.  When you register for the tests you will need to know the Highland Park Senior High school code: 242256.

    Registration information can be found:

    Preparing for the ACT/SAT
    It is a good idea to spend some time preparing before you take a college entrance exam.  A few ways to make sure you are ready by test day:

    1. Check out the official website for your test.  Learn about the structure of the tests (how many sections, how many questions) and the types of questions you are likely to face.  Both sites have numerous sample questions available for you.
    2. Buy one of the large prep books at a local bookstore.  Spend some time going over the material and taking the practice tests.