Multilingual Learning

Hmong hat
  • Our school offers Multilingual Learning services to students who are English Learners.

    English Learners (EL)
    Our language program provides additional English language development and instruction for students whose home language is other than English (approximately 40% of SPPS students). Instruction focuses on increasing students’ English language skills so they can meet state and district academic standards.

    Learning is achieved through collaborative teaching, accelerated language programs, and teaching core subjects in English. Most commonly, General Education and EL teachers deliver instruction as a team and give students daily interaction with native English-speaking peers.  

    ELL Teachers
    Zuag Lee

    Elisabeth Kong

    DouaCha Vang

    Lynnea Waydula

    ELL Educational Assistants
    Pang Kue
    Tseebleej Lee

    Hmong Dual Language Program
    The goal of Dual Language Programs is for students to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural. In two-way immersion programs, English-speaking students and students who speak the partner language learn together.

    Academic subjects are taught in both languages across grade levels. Our two-way program is offered in Hmong at Jackson.