

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Reagan

Hello Students & Families!

My name is Mrs. Reagan (formerly Ms. Rollins). I am a special education teacher at Farnsworth Aerospace Upper School 5-8. I began my teaching career in 2018 after graduating from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Go Bulldogs! I have a degree in elementary and special education. I have a master’s degree from Concordia St. Paul in special education with an emphasis on specific learning disabilities. I am very excited to learn and grow along side of you this school year. This year I will be co- teaching. I will be co-teaching Readers Workshop with Ms. Mavues, ELA 7 with Ms. Merrill, and ELA 8 with Mr. Lynch. I will have one small group study skills class too. Furthermore, if your child is in special education, I may be their case manager. Farnsworth is a wonderful community of educators, students, and families! I am looking forward to an exciting 2023-2024 school year :)


When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband, cooking, being outdoors or at our family cabin. I am a huge sports fan and love to watch and cheer on all Minnesota sports teams!


Phone/Text: ‪(651) 419-0772‬

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*Please note my email has not changed to my new last name

Degrees and Certifications: B.A., Integrated Elementary and Special Education 

                                                M.A., Special Education with an emphasis on Specific Learning Disabilities