Math Department

  • At Farnsworth, math is more than a means to an end, it's one of our fascinations.

    Our students are used to high expectations and understand the kind of rigor that a future in technology requires. The PreK - 8 program allows our secondary math department to bridge with the elementary teachers to ensure the best preparation for advanced study. Our students are challenged to approach their world with a mathematical mindset and are never restricted by their grade level. With a progressive foundation in Algebra, a Farnsworth student is prepared to ascend to high level math during their secondary education.

    Our Math Department implements a strong, standards-based curriculum that includes hands-on materials, conceptual understanding, cooperative learning, and engaging assessments.

    The following courses are offered to middle school students:

    • Math 6

    • Pre-Algebra

    • Algebra 1

    *** Passionate students can explore math further after school during FlipSide where they will compete in local, state, and national competitions.  They will develop even more tools to become better problem solvers to prepare them for future technology careers.