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October is National Bullying Prevention Month

SPPS Working Together to Combat and Prevent Bullying in Schools Across District




October is National Bullying Prevention Month, part of a nationwide campaign founded in 2006 by PACER and the National Bullying Prevention Center. The annual campaign is designed to raise awareness about bullying and steps everyone can take to prevent it.

With more than 37,000 students, SPPS employs many resources to address bullying district-wide. Individual schools also embrace their own efforts to combat bullying directly.

Since last month, for example, nearly 3,000 SPPS staff have completed training on bullying prevention. Each school strives to create a positive culture and a welcoming environment that leaves no room for bullying.


As SPPS and the nation recognize National Bullying Prevention Month, here are a few examples of Randolph Heights work to address bullying:

  • Our School Counselor, Lauren Smith, teaches anti-bullying lessons in all classrooms, utilizing Second Step’s Bullying Prevention Unit
  • Participation in “Viktor’s Quest to S.T.O.P. Bullying” assembly, with the Minnesota Vikings.
  • We have an active Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports Committee (PBIS) that has implemented school-wide supports.  

Links and Resources:

PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center

For Students:

For Families: