2nd Grade


    Overview of Grade Level Curriculum – Second Grade


    - Foundational Reading Skills

    - Small Group Reading Instruction

    - Language Comprehension Instruction (Read-Aloud and Minilesson)

    - Students will be formally assessed at least three times a year so that reading instruction meets your child’s individual needs. 

    - Writing Instruction: Here are the genres your student will be writing: Expert Books, Small Moment Stories, Product and Place Reviews, Animal Life Cycle Research, Realistic Fiction, Book Recommendations, All About Plant Books, and Poetry.



    New Curriculum!! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Hand to Mind

    Whole Group and small group learning opportunities.


    Recess/Physical Education

    Second graders will play at recess daily all year long. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather in every season.  We will have gym class once a week.  Your child will need tennis shoes on gym days.  



    Second Graders will each have their own ipad that will be used at school.  They will be integrating the use of the ipad throughout the day.  Children will take their ipad home every day.  Please charge the ipad overnight so it is ready to go back to school the next day.


    Social Studies

    Our Social Studies curriculum includes hands-on, interactive projects usually based in literature.  Our themes are civics, economics, geography and Dakota/Ojibwe studies.