
PreK Image
  • PreKindergarten is a full day program offering quality early childhood education for four year olds, during their year before Kindergarten. At Global Arts Plus PreKindergarten we aim to provide our students with the foundational academic and social skills to be successful in Kindergarten. All classes meet five days a week and follow the SPPS school year calendar. 

    Full Day Pre-K - We offer two full day early childhood classrooms providing rich arts based learning. Classes meet daily from 9:30 until 4:00 pm and have a maximum of 20 children taught by 1 general education teacher and 1 teaching assistant.

    Full Day ECSE - We also offer an Early Childhood Special Education self-contained class that is full-day. This class will meet daily from 9:30am until 4pm, has 8 students taught by 1 special education teacher and 2 special education teaching assisstants.



girl looking at leaves on a lightbox

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