IB-MYP at Highland Park Middle School

  • Highland Park Middle School is an accredited International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB-MYP). Our neighboring schools, Highland Elementary and Highland Senior High, are also accredited IB programs allowing students to follow the IB program throughout their schooling.

    While many schools have introduced an IB program within their schools, HPMS offers this program to the entire student body, across programs. Our staff has dedicated the past several years to intensive training, planning and implementation. 

    The IB-MYP is a natural fit for our HPMS students and families. If you would like more information, don't hesitate to peruse IB's web site. or contact the coordinator for the IB-MYP program at HPMS - Linda Jones at 651-293-8950 or linda.jones@spps.org. More information about the IB-MYP is listed below:


What is the IB? (English and Espanol)

Why has HPMS chosen to be an IB-MYP program?

HPMS Policies