What's Going on in MN-941?

  • Please see our Facebook page for current events and activities...JHS AFJROTC

    More Than Just a Classroom Experience!
    JHS cadets do so much more than classroom activities and coursework.  They are involved in their school and local area communities in all sorts of fun and exciting ways.  There are special teams and organizations - Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams, Sabre Team, Color Guard Team, Academic Team and Physical Training Team; Kitty Hawk Air Society; and Multi-Copter Club, that are routinely practicing and displaying their skills.  As an example, the Drill, Physical Training, and Color Guard Teams participate in several local military skills competitions with other JROTC schools from around the city, district, and even neighboring states.  They have won several trophies throughout the years and are proud of their accomplishments.  Not only do they compete, but they perform opening ceremonies for professional sports teams, and college and high school level sporting events as well.

    The community service opportunities for cadets at Johnson High School are endless.  Cadets perform service both at and away from school.  Some examples of in-school service include maintaining the school's landscaped gardens or participating in school pep fests and a variety of other activities.  Cadets also assist with JHS conference night activities each quarter greeting parents, serving refreshments to our guests, and directing parents to the teachers they want to visit. Examples of external community service events include routinely helping with events at Arlington Hills Community Center and Lake Phalen as well as several other organizations in the area.

    Another important part of the AFJROTC program is the "Curriculum in Action" piece, or what most of us know as field trips.  A minimum of two trips are scheduled each school year, but ideally the more opportunities for exposure to curriculum-related areas in the community, the better!  Some examples of places the AFJROTC corps visits include museums, local military installations, and civilian airports.  During these tours, cadets are able to see first-hand how what they learn in school falls into place in everyday life.  Most field trips take place during the school day, although occasionally they may extend past normal school hours, or even cross into multiple days at times.


    • SABRE 
    • SPIRIT
    • PT

    AFJROTC Information Pamphlet Feel free to print this pamphlet and give it to your family and friends.  It is a quick reference to show them what AFJROTC is all about!