Principles of Engineering (Honors)

  • Course Number(s): S431491, T431492
    Length: 2 Semester (4 Credits)
    Prerequisits: Geometry or Current enrollment in Geometry
    Grade: 10-12

    Principles of Engineering is a broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities. Students will develop engineering problem solving skills that are involved in post-secondary education programs and engineering careers. They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes. They will also learn how engineers address concerns about the social and political consequences of technological change. The main purpose of this course is to experience through theory and hands-on problem- solving activities what engineering is all about and to answer the question, "Is a career in engineering or engineering technology for me?"

    Note: This is identical to the Freshman course, however it is intended for 10-12th graders who did not have an opportunity to take it in their Freshman year.