Phone: 651-744-5422


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Therpeutic Recreation from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Masters in Education School Counseling from the University of Wisconsin River Falls

Ms. Jordyn Berkas

Hello Crossroads Families!

My name is Jordyn Berkas and I am the School Counselor for the Crossroads Montessori Program!  I've worked in education for 7 years and I am happy to have been here at Crossroads for the last 3 years!   I love the elementary setting and feel very lucky to be able to work with Crossroads students and staff.  

My Role

As a school counselor, I support the students' Social Emotional, Academic and College & Career needs.  I do this through classroom lessons, small group instruction and individual student meetings.  I use the standards and frameworks of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) to guide the work that I do.

SPPS School Counseling

School counselors play an important role in schools across the district. Click here to learn more about the values, mission, and vision of St. Paul Public Schools' Counseling Department.