Jayson Spence

  • Hello, My name is Jayson Spence and before stepping into my role as Assistant Principal, I taught Spanish at Harding for eighteen years. During this time, I facilitated the creation of an inclusive learning community. A community where all are respected and feel a sense of relevance and belonging. I am responsive to students' needs, set high standards, and hold all accountable, but within these firm boundaries, I trust my students with the autonomy to make mistakes and learn from them. 

    I look forward to expanding my reach of support and building capacity from within our community. I strive to foster the development of strong trusting learning partnerships between all stakeholders in the hope of inspiring our students to think critically, pursue their dreams, and change the world.

    See you at school!  



Contact Information

  • Jayson Spence

    Assistant Principal, Grade 11

    Phone: (651) 744-0388

    Cell: (612) 289-3206

    Email: jayson.spence@spps.org