Mary "Markie" Crosby

  • Markie Crosby I graduated from College of Saint Benedict/St. John's University with my degree in Hispanic Studies.  I spent a semester in Guatemala which I credit with sparking my interest in the Spanish Language and a curiosity for other cultures.  After graduation I moved to Peru where I volunteered for 7 months.  

    Spanish, for me has played a very BIG role in my life.  It has opened doors to so many opportunities and relationships.  I am passionate about teaching Spanish but more importantly teaching students to be global citizens and realize how language can help them learn more about the world.   

Contact Information


  • Period 1:  Spanish 3 

    Period 2:  Prep 

    Period 3:  PLC 

    Period 4:  Spanish 1 

    Period 5:  Spanish 1 

    Period 6:  Spanish 1 

    Period 7:  Spanish 1