
  • Crossroads Elementary is the only elementary school in Saint Paul operating on a year-round calendar. Research indicates students' academic performance on a year-round calendar at least matches those of traditional calendars, while performance from low income and English language learners have been found to consistently show an increase. All students and staff have been found to remain more refreshed and alert throughout the year.

    One of the greatest advantages cited to a year-round calendar is the availability of additional learning opportunities through Intersessions.  Our year-round calendar is roughly nine weeks on and three weeks off. This amounts to the same number of student days as a traditional calendar with the extended summer break broken into three-week breaks in November, February, and May. During two of those three weeks off, we offer "summer school' like programming. Intersession is open to students with academic needs first in grades K-5.  Intersession is not open to Pre-K students.  

    Please turn in Intersession sign up sheets as soon as possible.  Space is limited and students will be admitted based on a first come, first serve basis.  While wait lists are rare, these instances do occur.  Turn in your form early to reserve your spot.

    An Intersession day focuses on math, reading and writing instruction. Students will participate in thematic units and field trips that will enrich their learning experiences.  


    Related Websites: National Association of Year Round Schools | Year Round Education at Crossroads