Phone: 651-290-8384


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education-University of Wisconsin River Falls; Minor-Spanish Masters Degree in Education-St. Mary's University

Mrs. Heather Denning

Ms. Denning has taught in the Saint Paul Public Schools for 20 years in grades one through four. This will be her 5th year teaching at EXPO Elementary.  Heather has a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and a minor in Spanish from the University of Wisconsin River-Falls and a Master's Degree in Education from St. Mary's University.

Heather and her husband live in the Twin Cities and are busy with three young children. When not teaching, the educator enjoys biking, reading, and coaching gymnastics.  Her family loves baseball, nature, and spending lots of time at the lake during the summer!

Heather LOVES working at EXPO because the strong community feeling and high academic rigor.































Heather Denning has taught in the St. Paiul Public Schools for 20 years.  She has taught 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st grade.  This will be her 5th year teaching at EXPO Elementary.  She has a B.A. in Elementary Education and a Minor in Spanish from the University of Wisconsin River Falls.  She has a Masters in Education from St. Mary's University.


Heather has three young children and lives in the Twin Cities with her family.  She enjoys biking, and coaching gymnastics.  Her family loves baseball, nature, and spending time at the lake in the summer.

Heather loves working at EXPO because the strong community feeling and high academic rigor.