Phone: 612.568.5355    


Degrees and Certifications:

BA- Luther College M.Ed- U of MN

Ms. Haug

Welcome to the Online Middle School Art Department!

I am Jenna Haug (she/her/hers) and this is my third year with Saint Paul Public Schools! Before landing here, I had the opportunity to teach in multiple settings, including Waldorf Pre-K, Montessori Middle School Ceramics, and Special Education in Iowa, just to name a few. My spouse and our two daughters moved to Minnesota when I went back to school at the U of M to pursue my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Arts in Education.

I am so excited to be part of the Onine School community and to be a member of this dynamic team of educators who work around the clock to support all of the fantastic students we get to learn alongside every day! As the art teacher, I get to work with student artists on lessons that stretch, explore and develop artistic thinking. We respond, present, create, and connect through visual art using diverse art exemplars, student voice and critical thinking skills. 

When I am not teaching, you can find me making art or spending time with my spouse and our two daughters, most likely outside biking, camping, hiking or all three at the same time.....I wish! 

Ms. Haug

  Google Voice phone number  612.568.5355