

Degrees and Certifications:

BS Biology and Secondary Education MA Education: Natural Science and Environmental Education at Hamline University (MAEd: NSEE)

Mr. Samuel Northey

Mr. Northey graduated from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater majoring in Biology and Minors in Chemistry and Photography, later completing a second Major in Secondary Science Education. He earned his Master of Education at Hamline in Natural Science and Environmental Education.

 He has since completed his 23th year of teaching. Sam enjoys spending time with his family and traveling to new places and cities. He believes that all students can be successful and achieve their goals with a growth mindset and a helpful support system. He creates a positive environment where all students can reach their highest potential.

  • All SPPS students will think and act like scientists and engineers. 

    Classes :


    An introductory chemistry class, students learn basic chemistry knowledge and skills, like properties of solids, liquids and gases, chemical bonding and radioactivity. Students taking an introductory chemistry class may be majoring in chemistry, a science field, health care field or any other subject. 

    Environmental Science:

    This course provides basic scientific knowledge and an understanding of how our world works from an environmental perspective. Topics covered include: basic principles of ecosystem function; biodiversity and its conservation; human population growth; water resources and management; water, air and soil pollution; climate change; energy resources, and sustainability.


    Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere. That includes objects we can see with our naked eyes, like Sun , the Moon , the planets, and the stars . It also includes objects we can only see with telescopes or other instruments, like faraway galaxies and tiny particles. And it even includes questions about things we can't see at all, like dark matter and dark energy .

    STEAM (NEW!!)

    The STEAM program is a developed array of well-established, interdisciplinary projects and other standards-based learning activities for students that integrate inquiry-based learning, creative expression and problem solving, technology and engineering processes, and understanding of relevant societal realities.

    Climate Crisis -  Implementing Solutions (College in Schools- University of Minnesota)

    The course is designed so that students will learn the fundamentals related to harnessing energy from various sources (conventional and renewable), their environmental consequences, and the effect on society. The energy sources will be compared in terms of their costs, constraints, and environmental effects all within the context of social values and public policy.

    This course will be optimistic and upbeat, and will show that we can meet the challenge of global warming by shifting our energy use to electricity in all sectors of society as much as possible, generating electricity from renewables, using it efficiently, and minimizing overall energy usage through increased conservation efforts. Students will become more informed and engaged citizens on the course topics and be in a better position to identify their own passions and able to pursue further studies accordingly.