Meet the Math Corps Tutors!

Maddie Photo
  • My name is Maddie and I'm one of the Math Corps members at Hidden River Middle School for the 2021-2022 school year. I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Asian Languages and Literature in 2015. When I'm not tutoring, I enjoy knitting, baking, going for walks, playing video games, and using computers to make music and small-scale video games. I like exploring how math shows up in students' everyday lives to make concepts more tangible for students as we work through content.

Math Corps
  • Math Corps is an evidence-based AmeriCorps program designed to help students prepare for their high school algebra classes. The ultimate goals of Math Corps are

    1. To ensure that every student has a chance to succeed in high school and beyond
    2. Help students develop a higher math self-esteem
    3. prepare students for STEM-based careers, which pay more on average

    Students in the Math Corps program work with tutors for 90 minutes a week developing necessary math communication and computational skills. Using lessons and methods written by experts in childhood math learning, along with positive affirmations of the students’ worth, tutors create an environment helpful for the students' growth. 

    Math Corps members are currently serving in 200 locations across the country! If you’d like to learn more about Math Corps, or if are thinking about serving yourself, please visit their website: