Jan. 19, 2024

Our Class News


      We will be reading, “Snowmen at Night” in Reader’s Workshop. This book sparks the imagination as to why snowmen look so different the day after we build them. We will cover key ideas and details from the story. We will also compare and contrast what the snowmen did to what we do at night.

We are ready to begin our next unit in Math Workshop. The unit is all about patterns. Students will create simple patterns using objects, pictures, numbers & rules. They will identify possible rules to complete or extend patterns. Working with patterns is considered an early building block in algebra. The ability to generalize patterns contributes to children's later understanding of algebraic equations.

This week, we researched walruses and learned as much as we could watching several videos and reading informational texts. To organize the facts, we used a graphic organizer. Next week, we will use this organizer to create an interesting Question & Answer book. This book is preparing us for writing our own book.


Extra! Extra!

*  Our "star of the week" is Corinne!

*  Peter’s mom is coming to our class on Monday to do Yoga with us! We are all going to be stress free, relaxed, with an improved memory and attention span! It might be our best day ever!

*  The class calendar sent home in December has the incorrect Specialist rotation. We have Science next week, not Art!

*  No school next Friday. It’s a teacher learning day! Enjoy your long weekend!