PBIS Philosophy at Horace Mann School

  • At Barack and Michelle Obama Elementary School, we expect that everyone will conduct themselves with integrity and respect. Every student and employee at Obama is entitled to learn and work in a safe school environment.  To ensure this, Obama has established clear school-wide expectations, logical consequences, and practices to consistently apply district policies.  PBIS is a three-tiered approach to ensure that ALL student needs are being met. We believe that all students want to succeed and when given the opportunity, can and will learn to their potential.

    PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) is a proactive approach to creating a positive learning climate. At Obama our school-wide system of support includes strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment. This positive behavior continuum is implemented to make problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional. www.pbis.org

    PBIS at Obama:

    • Fosters respectful, supportive relationships among students and staff
    • Reinforces positive academic and social behavior
    • Provides an opportunity for positive student/teacher interactions
    • Provides intervention appropriate to student need

    Students directly learn how to create this positive school climate through Responsive Classroom community building strategies, the direct teaching of the school-wide positive expectations (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe), award assemblies, and a four to one positives approach.