Sept. 8, 2023 (First Grade Handbook)

September 8, 2023


Dear Families,


We finished our first week with flying colors.  We are all adjusting to our early start time. Our “new school year” jitters are beginning to disappear.


Thank you for the amazing start to our school year. We have a few classroom procedures we’d like to explain.


Friday Folders:  I have attached a separate sheet explaining Friday Folders.


Breakfast and Lunch:  Breakfast and lunch are offered to every child free of charge. For lunch, students can bring a lunch from home. The menu is posted on the spps website. If they want milk, students will be charged 50¢. We encourage every child to eat breakfast whether it is at home or at school. We will not be having snack in the room with our early lunch and early dismissal.


Recess:  We go out for recess every day after lunch, so please have your child dress accordingly.


Arrival and Dismissal:  Thank you for your support in drop off and dismissal. Establishing strong routines for this helps us create a pro-active, stress-free environment for all.


IPads:  Please send IPads to school every day, fully charged, with your student’s headphones.


Classroom expectation: One thing we are working on is self-control which means calm body, appropriate voice level, whisper voice during work time.


Morning Meeting:  One thing we stress is being a respectful friend to everyone in the classroom. This builds a strong community. One way this is achieved is through Morning Meeting. We get together and greet each other, play a game, read the morning message, and complete the calendar. This is all part of Responsive Classroom. RC is a way of teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community.


Take a break:  Sometimes, children need to regain control when they are beginning to become dysregulated. Take a break offers children a quick way to calm down, relax, and rejoin the class with dignity—it’s not a punishment.


Star of the Week: An informational letter is attached.


Birthday Parties: Due to the district wellness policy, we have made changes to our birthday celebrations. We will make a birthday book to celebrate in class. Our rule is no invitations passed out in school.


We are looking forward to a great year together!


The First Grade Team,

Angela Jalonack           Katri Kath          Mariana Tennyson



Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
