Science -Students visit one week every month. We work as scientists by making observations, asking questions, investigating, recording our observations with diagrams and data tables, making claims and evidence, and sharing our ideas with others. We work with materials that help us understand big science ideas and help us practice science skills.

Food Chain
    • In Kindergarten, we learn about working as scientists as we compare the 4 seasons, observe weather, sort living and non-living things and sort natural and human made things.


    • In first grade, we learn about working as scientists as we learn about properties of rocks and soil and how soil is made. We also learn about observing and describing patterns in weather and causes and effect with force and motion.


    • In second grade, we learn about working as scientists as we learn about living things. We learn that plants and animals basic needs to survive and compare the life cycles of different living things. We also compare the different states of matter- solid, liquid and gas.


    • In third grade, we learn about working as scientists as we learn about the structures and functions of living things. We also learn about inherited and acquired traits. We also learn about patterns with the earth, moon and sun as well as causes and properties of sound.


    • In fourth grade, we learn about working as scientists as we learn about how magnetism and electricity work. We also learn about changes in states of matter and use this knowledge to help us explain the water cycle.


    • In fifth grade, we learn about working as scientists as we learn that conducting controlled experiments is an important part of doing science. We also learn about the important roles played in ecosystems and how different landforms are shaped on the earth.