

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. McLain

Welcome Video

Hi!  My name is Jeremi McLain, and I am thrilled to be part of the dynamic Kindergarten Team at St. Paul Music Academy.

This is my 32nd year with St. Paul Public Schools --- I taught Kindergarten at the Museum Magnet for 14 years, stayed home with my daughters for 5 years, and am starting my 13th year here at SPMA.

When I am not teaching I love spending time with my husband, Tom, our 17 year old daughters Zoë and Ella and our 4 1/2 year old, super spoiled pups — Lulu and Poppy.

I graduated from Hamline University with my BA in Psychology and my Kindergarten-6th grade teaching license — and later completed my Masters in Curriculum and Writing from St. Cloud State University.

Kindergarten is a time of new beginnings, of making friends, and of learning lots of new things each and every day.  Throughout the year we will learn all about letter sounds and how we put the sounds together to start reading on our own.  We will read so many stories and we will do lots of writing activities too.  We will also learn all about numbers and build on important math concepts including sorting, counting, graphing, patterns and beginning time, money, measurement, addition and subtraction.  Whew!!

Kindergarten is SO much fun — I am looking forward to a SUPER year together!

Please feel free to send me an email ( if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you so much!