Phone: 651-744--7599


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Nutrition, University of Minnesota Twin Cities M.S. Sociology and Applied Community and Economic Development, Illinois State University M.A. Education, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

Ms. Moe


Every student is special and brings unique contributions to our community. For this reason, we will embrace and celebrate our diversity in whatever form that may come in. Everyone has value and has the right to a safe space to engage in learning. Learning takes hard work and perseverance but we are all capable of accomplishing our goals and growing as leaders and learners!

About Myself

I was born and raised in Minnesota but I have been fortunate to live, learn and love multiple places around the world. I have a B.S. in Nutrition from the University of Minnesota, a M.S. in Sociology and Applied Community and Economic Development from Illinois State University, and an M.A, in Education from the University of St. Thomas. I also served in the Peace Corps as a Health volunteer in Botswana working with Humana People to People for over two years. I love to travel and have visited many countries in Africa, Europe and the Americas.